It’s a question that I am asked with regularity. Readers will email or comment on articles “all of this ETF stuff is great, but how do I set this up an ETF portfolio for retirement?” Robb Engen of Boomer and Echo will, uh well, ‘echo’ that sentiment. Here is the simple 7 ETF portfolio for retirement. I will also offer some alts for inflation protection and a higher yield kicker.
And it’s true, if you google creating a retirement portfolio with ETFs you get digital crickets. There’s not much out there in the blogosphere or on the sites of the major financial institutions. Articles that have headlines that suggest they are about to give some ideas on building an ETF portfolio for retirement usually stop short or discuss creating wealth for retirement.
Here’s my video on building the simple ETF portfolio for retirement.
So hey, I’ll give it a go. I’ve put in way too many thousands of hours studying asset allocation and retirement and retirement funding models. My sister who is a wonderfully dedicated primary school teacher ‘observes’ that I am a ‘hyperfixator’ or at least that I suffer from hyperfixation. Got kids? You might see some of that hyperfixation when they fire up that Xbox. Hey, as a Microsoft MSFT shareholder it’s my duty to disclose and provide you the link to the Xbox site. Hyper fixate away, kids.
Is this investment advice? Well not really.
Of course, nothing on this site is concrete advice. Use the information and ideas to form and shape your own opinion. If you’re a self-directed investor you should know what you’re doing. You should understand your personal tax situation plus currency conversion charges and withholding taxes. You should know what goes where with respect to RRSP vs TFSA vs non registered amounts and accounts. Discover the most optimal order on how to harvest your assets with respect to account types. Know when to take CPP and OAS. You should know how much you can comfortably spend each year. There is the need to understand estate planning, hold the proper insurance and know how to set up your beneficiaries.
Yes, I just listed a whole bunch of stuff in areas where you have partial or no understanding. I know, thanks for nothing eh. I never said this self-directing thing is easy. So what do you do?
Seek retirement and investment advice.
You can still possibly self-direct your investments in the end if you have the knowledge and you understand your risk tolerance level. But I’d suggest that you contact an experienced fee-for-service financial planner who has expertise in the retirement arena. With a fee-for-service advisor you will pay as you go. You can pay by the hour, or perhaps pay a flat fee for the evaluation and plan. You might then set off on your own to build the portfolio with all the right pieces in the right place.
I’d also suggest that you read my review of Retirement Income For Life: Spending More Without Saving More. That’s a wonderful staple read for retirees and retirement planners. The author, Frederick Vettese, was the chief actuary at Morneau Shepell.
The 7 ETF Retirement Portfolio.
In this article How to Create a Retirement Portfolio with Exchange Traded Funds, I offered that we don’t have to do anything ‘too fancy’. Simplicity works. The basic fundamentals of a well-balanced Balanced Portfolio might very well do the trick in retirement. In that article you’ll also find some help on what goes where. But of course you’re going to get some help in that regard, right? 🙂
For now, I’ll just offer the asset mix. The portfolio will rely on the growth of stocks with the support of bonds and a slight income booster. Once again, it is my opinion that we do not need to ‘live off of the income’. I actually think that is a trap that will close too many doors, and it will not allow us to hold enough of that growth engine known as stocks.
Big dividends and dividend growth
For this portfolio I offer Dividend Growth and High Yield Dividend ETFs. I also include the asset class known as REITs, real estate, for the US and Canada. Here ya go, in a conservative 50/50 model that is close to 50% stocks and 50% bonds. You may decide to go more aggressive or more conservative with your stock to bond allocation.
Keep in mind some of these assets are in US dollars and belong in US dollar accounts.
You can find assets such as the Vanguard Dividend Appreciation fund in Canadian dollars as well. Here’s the link to the U.S. Dividend Achievers Appreciation Index ETF (CAD Hedged) – ticker VGH.
You’ll find an International Canadian Dollar REIT option in the new balanced portfolio post. Investors/retirees might also consider US long term treasuries that you’ll find in that new balanced portfolio. BMO offers those treasuries in US and Canadian dollar funds.
Here’s the updated 2021 returns for that retirement ETF portfolio.
If you wanted to lessen up on the bond component and increase the yield you could add Hamilton HUTS – an enhanced utilities ETF. In October of 2022 the yield offered is 6.65%. The management fee is 0.65%. It uses a modest amount of leverage to boost returns.
You might also consider that 5-10% allotment to gold and gold stocks. Or for portfolio inflation protection you might consider the Purpose Diversified Real Asset Fund.
What About Cash, GICs and that Annuity?
Yup. you might start with a very generous and guaranteed fixed income core. Most retirees are very conservative for very good reasons. Keep in mind that while secure income is good, and feels great, many retirees will need enough growth to combat that longevity risk and the inflation risk. Remember we might lose spending power by about 3% per year. That can add up over the decades. And you might live to age 85 or 90 or 95.
Purpose also released a revolutionary pension-like offering for those who have missed out on any company pension options.
Here’s my review of the Purpose Longevity Pension Fund designed to pay out at 6.15%, and increase as mortality credits kick in – the early-deceased fund those with exceptional longevity.
On how much you might be able to spend if you need to maximize portfolio income please have a read of my guest post on Boomer and Echo, here’s The 4 Percent Rule. Is There A New Normal For Canadian Retirees? I then followed up with this article on Seeking Alpha.
Breaking rules of thumb.
Keep in mind that the rules of thumb are guidelines and are made to be broken, especially when those stock markets break. We might need to bend those rules of thumb. Frederick Vettese suggests we might need a flexible or dynamic spending plan in retirement. That said, things might also continue to go swimmingly.
Be prepared to spend more or less.
The above ETF Portfolio mix might continue to deliver returns in the area of 5-6% over longer periods. That’s certainly not a growth portfolio. Again, you should know the math on how much growth is required to beat off inflation and longevity risk.
You might be able to create a GIC ladder that pays you in the area of 3%. You can have a look at Tangerine for the rates of the day. You might also consult
If your ETF Portfolio is delivering 6% annual (estimated not guaranteed of course) your return component might look like this for every $100,000.
- Guaranteed income: $1500 annual
- ETF Income: $3000 annual
You’re within that 4.5% spend rate. Once again, if you build up that guaranteed income component by way of annuities, that overall spend rate might get a boost. You might have a read of Pensionize Your Nest Egg from Alexandra Macqueen. If you then add more equities to your ETF Portfolio mix you might give that portfolio spend rate a boost.
If you have any questions concerning building an ETF portfolio for retirement, please fire away in the comment section. I’ll get some experts to stop by to answer any specific questions.
If you’re interesting in contacting a fee-for-service advisor, I can throw a few names your way. Use that contact form.
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1. You should understand your personal tax situation.
2. You should understand currency conversion charges and withholding taxes.
3. You should know what goes where with respect to RRSP vs TFSA vs non registered amounts and accounts.
4. You should know the most optimal order on how to harvest your assets with respect to account types.
5. You should know when to take CPP and OAS.
6. You should know how much you can comfortably spend each year.
7. You should understand estate planning, hold the proper insurance and know how to set up your beneficiaries.
Great questions Dale! I’ll add another:
8. You should know what an IPS is AND have one! If you don’t here’s a link 👉
You may want to start with Q#8. An option is to set up a robo advisor account and they will do as IPS with you. It’s not robust but it’s a start. Likely, 99% of investors don’t let alone what what an IPS is AND why it’s important let alone have one. And note this, if you have a financial advisor who sells investment products like mutual funds, it’s virtually certain you won’t have an IPS. The investment industry and their army of salesreps/financial advisors DON’T WANT YOU TO HAVE ONE, or know about them. WHY? …. because it makes them accountable to you, and that’s the LAST thing MOST financial advisors want! WHY? …… because most “financial advisors” are sales reps, NOT “financial advisers” with a Fiduciary responsibility. AND, if you don’t know what that means, start there and look it up, then maybe tackle Q# 8 above. And then, by all means Q’s 1-7.
And ….
Keep reading this investing blog, an article a week. It’s called “investing discipline”, and it’s what most often separates successful people and investors from the rest of the pack (join the IPS 1% and you’re in your way!)
It’s a great resource for developing financial investment literacy and much more!
Best of luck on your journey to achieving your financial and life goals, and remember, they’re intrinsically linked (via Q’s 1-7 above from Dale’s article)!
Dale Roberts
Thanks so much poidaman for stopping by. Great comment. Yes investors should certainly get a plan. And most will need some help from a REAL financial advisor. A written plan is great. And sign it as a promise to yourself to execute with care. Happiness is a financial plan 🙂
Dale, your 7 ETF Retirement Portfolio looks quite light in international content. It looks to be near 6%. Also no emerging market content. What is the overall allocation breakdown, ie; Cdn, U.S., Int’l, & fixed income? The overall MER?
Dale Roberts
Thanks Bernie I will be back with a follow up article or three on this portfolio and other retirement ETF portfolio ideas. I’ll go into the rationale and income and fees; though the fees are quite ‘typical’. BMO Monthly Income is a little higher of course due to the unique basked of income producing assets. As per International, I am in the camp of keeping that modest especially in retirement, but certainly have some exposure. We also get International exposure by way of the US multinationals that we hold. I would not be a fan of developing markets and those many risks, for retirees. Others may choose to take on that risk. Again, a self directed investor should understand the assets and how they all work together. The goal of the above portfolio idea is modest growth with the equity risks managed by the way of a core bond ETF. It is certainly very conservative.
Thanks again. Hit that Follow Button and you’ll get the full posts sent to your inbox. You can read them in your email and respond via your email 🙂
Rob Mackenzie
Got a question for you Dale. (Turner won’t answer me) Retiring in 7 weeks. Will be receiving full CPP/OAS that will give me about 1/4 of my anticipated retirement income. Is it reasonable to factor that into the fixed income component of my portfolio. Right now the RRSPS/LIRAs are in the high end of the six figure range in ETFS, set up in a basis 60/40 and well diversified. Seriously looking at one ticket products from Vanguard/Blackrock/BMO for simplicity’s sake, adding a REIT. So the question boils down to ZGRO vs ZBAL, XBAL vs XGRO or VBAL vs VGRO. I’m not looking for a recommendation here, just an opinion with regard to the CPP/OAS as part of the fixed income component.
Dale Roberts
Hi Rob, great question. Yes as you may know Jack Bogle said we should include pensions in our asset allocation decision. I did write on One Ticket for retirees, you may have seen that. I also just wrote on Annuities as those super bonds. So many moving parts. As you know it’s impossible to give advice not knowing the full picture and me not being a tax expert 🙂 My general observations or thoughts are that the most Conservative Vanguard One Ticket is too conservative, and then we do need some bonds in the portfolio to help with that sequence of returns risk. From there it might come down to your comfort level for risk and how much risk do you really need to take on to reach your goals. I like the idea of adding a REIT and perhaps some other income boosters and that might include annuities as a consideration. Wondering also if you have had an advisor look at your situation? There is the financial legacy question and estate planning and more 🙂
Scott Hawkins
could you please suggest some fee only advisors in Edmonton
thank you
Dale Roberts
Money Coaches Canada has an advisor in Edmonton.
I’ll check on others as well.
We deal with Ron Graham at Ron Graham and Associates Ltd. in Edmonton. Phone (403) 429-6775. I think he charges about $100 per hour but I could have that wrong. I will get my husband to check and will re-post if it is different. He is very professional, gets right to the point – which we appreciate, doesn’t sell any products so doesn’t push anything on you and tells you if he disagrees you and why. He prepares a very detailed plan which he sends to you via email and then you can meet – if you are in Edmonton – or chat on the phone/video conference if you have questions. We have followed his plans for us for about 10 years now, and had him do a re-vamp at 5 years. We are retired. Would highly recommend him, I believe we got his name through Moneysense.
I am 71 + and have a conservative asset allocation(80percent fixed income) with a big insurer/ financial and GICs with my bank under my RRIF I find 7% drop in my asset Alloc. Is it ok to sell investment and go for giv/ high inter savings during this Coronavirus period Thanks
Dale Roberts
Hi Nava, sounds like you have a very conservative approach. We just have to check that we have enough growth potential to meet needs as well. Have you been advised?
Hi Dale,
I have three separate investment accounts, one with a big bank and the other two with investment advisors. I’m only now just starting to pay more attention to my investments regarding the fees and performance and have noticed that one of my portfolios I am getting a rate of return from its inception (since 2005) of 2.73%!!!
Can you please give me your opinion on the ROR and also, how hard is it to move all my funds over to a self-directed portfolio with little to no fees. Will there be any penalties when I do this?
Can you also suggest a Robo Advisor in the Toronto area?
Any advice would be appreciated.
Dale Roberts
I will certainly update this post. We’ll have a look to see how this has performed over the last couple of years, and recently through the correction.
I need an advisor for rainy river district, ontario. One of us is a US citizen. Tks
Dale Roberts
You might contact Jason Heath, but you would have to it all remotely as is the case these days. No need to find an advisor in your town or city. I know he does a lot of work with US/Canada dual citizenship situations.
Hi Dale , thank you for the article. Would you right you though regarding income ETF portfolio?
Thank you.