The world is currently fighting a virus. We are fighting a viral strain known as COVID-19. We are fighting something that we cannot see. And it doesn’t belong here, in humans. It belongs in other animals, epidemiologists tell us it originated in bats and found its way to humans. The human body doesn’t know what to do with it in many cases. It will continue to kill many of the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions. It’s shown it can kill the young and healthy. It will kill the economy for a while, too. But we will prevail. We will beat it. Do you believe in the human spirit?
I was outlining this post this morning and was so glad to read this Tweet from David Chilton, you know, the Wealthy Barber guy.
A wonderful and inspirational message from a treasured Canadian. David’s writings have helped so many Canadians embrace a sensible financial life. I’m so glad that David ‘said it’ as this is being shared in a meaningful way. It’s a message that we need to hear today.
Our economy will recover and thrive.
David Chilton, author, former Dragon’s Den panelist
Why will our economy eventually recover and thrive? The human spirit is strong, relentless and undefeatable.
We will ‘defeat’ the coronavirus known as COVID-19. We will win the economic war.
And make no mistake, we are in for a very tough battle on both fronts. And as David suggests, we’ll pull together tremendously for both battles. Canadians will put the common good before personal needs or selfishness (toilet paper hoarding aside, ha). I know that Toronto quickly became a ghost town as folks began to self isolate and keep their distance. Communities everywhere are getting the message.
Isolate. Practice social distancing.
Helping local businesses.
As soon as restaurants were closed, social media lit up with suggestions on how you can help your local businesses. Immediately we were looking to help. These will be trying times for small businesses. Seek out ways to help and support.
Here’s Mark Seed of myownadvisor
And of course government agencies are stepping in with historic levels of fiscal and monetary aid and support. It’s all hands on deck.
It’s time to volunteer as well. How can we help at food banks or deliver foods to the elderly and others in need. Give blood. I’ll be looking at all of the above as soon as I finish my self quarantine. I’ve had some flu symptoms and doctor friends say to sit tight for a while.
Human ingenuity – it’s why you’re an investor.
The reason to invest and own great companies is no different today than it was several weeks ago, several years ago, or several decades ago. We buy stocks or we buy the market index funds because we believe that human creativity and ingenuity and drive will generate incredible economic growth over time.
That has been our past. That will be our future.
Warren Buffett, the greatest investor of all time repeats this message with regularity.
“From a standing start 240 years ago – a span of time less than triple my days on earth – Americans have combined human ingenuity, a market system, a tide of talented and ambitious immigrants, and the rule of law to deliver abundance beyond any dreams of our forefathers.”
– Warren Buffett
And now that drive is also going to be focused on COVID-19. There are brilliant doctors and scientists in Canada, the US and around the world working on this. Tirelessly.
We see reports of promising breakthroughs already, in just a few weeks. I follow epidemiologist Dr. Dena Grayson on Twitter. She worked for over 10 years on the Ebola virus and cures. While she is honest and sounds the alarm on COVID-19, she is also quick to acknowledge where there is hope.
Medicines will be developed. Our bodies will continue to develop our own natural immunity to the virus. Many experts state that COVID-19 is here to stay. It will move into the ‘general populations’ with other viruses. We share the earth. And remember, the virus does not want to kill the host. We just haven’t worked out that arrangement yet.
We are only in the second or third inning.
Make no mistake. We should not sugar coat this. We are likely to see frightening images that look like a war zone. In the US, the Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo suggests that they may not experience peak cases for another 45 days. It is not going to be an easy fight. We have not reached peak cases, peak deaths, peak fear.
But we know we can win. Other countries such as China and South Korea have shown the way, on how to reverse the curve. To get on the right side of the virus growth rates.
This from worldometer …
One day, you’ll see that curve for Canada, the US, European countries and more.
And then we’ll get back to building the economies of North America and around the world.
We will beat COVID-19. We’ll be wounded. But the human spirit (a little pissed off) will go to work like never before. And I think and hope that the spirit of cooperation and caring that is necessary to beat this, will take hold, it will live on.
And perhaps Mother Nature was sending us a stern message. Take care of the planet. We share it with every living thing on earth. Treat it with care and respect.
That human spirit and ingenuity has to go work to solve those greater issues. Let’s keep that in mind as we rebuild our economies.
Thanks for reading. Do your part. Let’s stick together as we keep apart.
Please share David’s Tweet. Please share this message of hope.
Do you believe in the human spirit?
Timothy Hanke
I’m hopeful.
But let me just say, it’s much easier for people with substantial assets to be hopeful.
“Little people” who rely on weekly paychecks, especially people in all the food service, hospitality, and other service businesses now largely shut down, are desperate and likely to become more desperate.
For example, people with assets may be concerned with finding toilet paper. People without assets may be unable to AFFORD toilet paper, if they could even find it.
Let’s not even talk about rent and mortgages and car payments.
So yes, as a person with some assets (but a lot less than I used to have a month ago), I am hopeful for myself and my family. But less hopeful for the many people who are less fortunate.
Dale Roberts
Hi Timothy, it certainly is going to be more than a challenge for those living pay cheque to pay cheque. It will take a combination of government monies, employer help, the community and perhaps charities and churches.
There will certainly be a Depression era feel and response to some of this.
Let’s hope we come together.
Brenda Bush
Great article. My thoughts exactly. This is not forever.
Dale Roberts
Thanks Brenda, tough times for sure. We’ll get through it, we have to.
Well put.
My wife is Hungarian with all of her family still over there. It’s been hard. No income for her lovely, now heavily pregnant daughter because her husband works in theater and at weddings – everything is shut down.
However for anyone out there in a similar situation where they need to remit to Europe or somewhere else I found an online remittance website – Transferwise. It was simple to set up an account and using my debit card sent just under a thousand dollars to our Forint (local currency) account at a bank in Budapest for 1.45% off the spot/wholesale rate. Took 24 hours.
Dale Roberts
Sorry to hear that Barry. Thanks for sharing that info on Transferwise.
Be safe,
I’m sorry that you’ve been having flu symptoms. Thanks for posting this positive blog even when you’re sick. Wise words.
Dale Roberts
Thanks DebPei. Scary last night when it hit hard for a few hours. Lots of anxiety too, given the times.
Hopefully I’m on the other side of it.
Joseph Sadovia
Keep up the good work Dale ! I too believe that we ( humankind ) will beat this and re-surge to new heights.My wife has been in Italy ( in the south ) for the past 3 weeks and the politicians eventually locked down the whole country. We speak daily over the phone and I keep reminding her that we ( humankind) will prevail. Yes, my ( and my wife’s too; we are both retired) investments have taken a huge tumble . And guess what – rather than sell I have been buying more Canadian investments in her name and mine. When I told her my wife congratulated me. I said that we are not going to give up !!
Dale Roberts
Thanks Joseph, I hope all will be well with your wife and her family. And you too of course. Glad to hear you are buying. If we make our bed, we have to continue with that strategy. It works best if we buy into the fear, historically.
There are some who think we are pooched for 20 year. I don’t think that’s the case.
All the best and thanks for stopping by. I hope your wife is home safe, soon.
Stay in touch.
Peter A.
Dale: That’s one of the most positive blogs I’ve read in the past few days! Finally, a “financial” guy who uses common sense, empathy and loving care to express what’s going on, where we’re heading, and what to expect.
And especially, “…I think and hope that the spirit of cooperation and caring that is necessary to beat this, will take hold, it will live on.”
Human nature will win the World Series!
Dale Roberts
Thanks so much Peter. I am glad that you found something positive in this. It was quite cathartic to put that on ‘paper’.
Take care and thanks for dropping by the site.
yes, can’t wait for baseball, ha.