If you use Google to search for the top Canadian Robo Advisors you will not find Tangerine in the search findings. When you read the top Robo Advisor reviews, you will not find mention of Tangerine Investments. Is Google wrong? Are the Canadian personal finance writers getting it wrong? Is Tangerine a Robo Advisor? Now […]
Canadian ETFs set to top that $200 billion mark.
At the end of October 2019 Canadian ETF assets stood at $192 billion. With the recent and very robust markets it might be safe to say that assets have ‘crashed through’ that $200,000,000,000 mark. Yes, I like to write that number including all of the zeroes. That’s a lot of zeroes. That equals a lot […]
Living off of the dividends and that 4% rule.
Dividends are so popular. That’s an understatement. Government agencies have forced that upon us. We live in a low yield environment. Bonds come up way short in the task of delivering safer income for retirees. Naturally, investors turn to dividends. Can we live off of the dividend income? The yield on iShares Core Universe Bond […]
Should you roll the dice with your retirement savings?
You’ve worked for decades to build your retirement nest egg. You have invested smartly. The investment portfolio is required to fund a significant portion of your retirement years. In fact, you need those monies to last for many decades. Should you invest in an all stock portfolio? That approach might deliver greater income than the […]
The smart way to invest in the RESP at Justwealth.
The RESP or Registered Education Savings Plan is a no-brainer for saving for your child’s education thanks to those free monies known as the education grant. With the RESP at Justwealth you will be placed in target date funds. These ETF portfolios are specifically designed for the RESP program. The risk level will be adjusted […]
The Canadian Dividend Aristocrats on Weekend Reads.
This week I penned on the US Dividend Aristocrats. That’s a group of S&P 500 constituents that have increased their dividends every year for 25 years (or more). In Canada, we’re not so picky, the Canadian Aristocrats are companies that have increased their dividends for 5 years or more. For a backgrounder on these Canadian […]