Goodbye Bell. You can’t hurt me anymore. In my first major sell in about a decade I greatly trimmed by position in Bell (BCE). I am a buy and hold investor. I am more passive than a passive index. But when an investment thesis changes, I’ll make a change. The rules changed for Bell and […]
Canadian investors are bananas, on the Sunday Reads.
Canadians are not embracing passive low-cost ETFs and that’s just bananas offers Ian McGugan in the Globe & Mail. In the U.S., passive investing has surpassed inferior active investing (by fund managers), but in Canada not so much. The momentum is in the right direction but too many Canadian investors are still slipping up on […]
Canadians leave $17 billion on the table each year, in the Sunday Reads.
Thanks to high-fee mutual funds, Canadians are leaving a lot of money on the table. While superior ETF investment options have been available for more than two decades, Canadians are slow to help themselves out. Those fees are wealth destroyers. We’re not making the move to ETFs at the pace of the rest of the […]
When should you rebalance your portfolio? And lessons from the Tangerine portfolios.
How often should you rebalance your portfolio? There’s good news on that front as less is more. We’ll take a look at a very telling chart from Frederick Vettese. And I take another look at the very telling perfomance table for the core Tangerine Portfolios. In this post I will also take you through my […]
The waiting is the hardest part, and the most profitable times for investors.
Investors are starting to notice that their portfolios have been treading water for a couple of years. Over the last two years, a global balanced growth portfolio would essentially be flat. Of course, move out to 3 year, 5 year and 10 year time horizons and we have very solid to generous returns. At times […]
Rates are on hold as China sinks on the Sunday Reads.
Last week I reported on the negative quarter of GDP growth for Canada. I also suggested that the Bank of Canada would hold rates. That was an easy call you might say, and as expected the overnight rate was held at 5%. That’s a slight sigh of relief perhaps for mortgage holders. But the bond […]