There are two dividend ETF portfolios on Cut The Crap Investing. Many investors enjoy a dividend focus. Some investors will simply shade in a dividend ETF or two in concert with their core holdings. We’ll have a look at the dividend aristocrat portfolio and the returns for 2019. Once again it was an incredible year […]
The greater growth ETF portfolio.
When we build an ETF portfolio we can seek greater total returns beyond the market. That is, beyond the cap weighted funds such as those that track the S&P 500. You’ll find a greater growth ETF portfolio option in the Model ETF Portfolio page. As always the ETF model portfolios are not recommendations, but perhaps […]
What happens when you buy stocks without looking.
Yup, always a good idea, right? Someone offers you a challenge and you then take a good portion of your retirement monies (aka future) and you buy a bunch of stocks without looking. And then, you continue to hold these stocks without looking. To add more fuel to the ‘what the heck are you doing?’ […]
The 7-ETF portfolio for retirement. 2019 performance.
I continually receive emails from readers asking how they can construct their ETF portfolio for retirement. First off, I’d suggest that simple works. In retirement we are looking for portfolio growth and we need to manage the sequence of returns risk with bonds and other assets. That is to say, a simple core ETF portfolio […]
Canada’s largest mutual fund, the RBC Select Balanced Portfolio is ‘not so bad’.
OK, before you hit that unfollow button I am not suggesting that Canada’s largest mutual fund is great. That said, even with the high fees the returns have been solid. Many Canadians have been able to build considerable wealth in some of Canada’s largest mutual funds. Let’s start with a look at the RBC Select […]
The Invesco Canadian Dividend ETF. Is this my new favourite?
I recently took at took at Vanguard’s High Dividend Yield ETF VDY vs iShares High Yield ETF XEI. Those are both very solid options in the dividend space. I would give the nod to the more concentrated VDY. As per the previous post that fund is concentrated in Canadian financials and it largely takes a […]