In last week’s Sunday Reads, the headline read that the recession can wait. The economic forces that are at work trying to tame the economy are moving in slow motion. I had suggested that we might take the Summer off, on the recession watch. And now we have a new bull market in the U.S. […]
Using defensive sector ETFs for the Canadian retirement portfolio.
In a recent post we saw that the defensive sectors were twice as effective as a balanced portfolio moving through and beyond the great financial crisis. The financial crisis was the bank -failure-inspired recession and market correction of 2008-2009 and beyond. It was the worst correction since the dot com crash of the early 2000’s. […]
Paying an advisor to count your dividends, on the Sunday Reads.
This week, on Investor Clinic in the Globe & Mail a reader asked – Why am I paying an advisor to manage my dividend portfolio? John Heinzl offered a very thoughtful reply and brief analysis. Here’s the situation, a widow has inherited a portfolio – after I received a $3-million inheritance seven years ago, he […]
How to invest this RRSP season.
Canadians are turning their attention to investing as the deadline looms for making an RRSP contribution. When you contribute to your RRSP (Registered Retirement Savings Plan) you can lower your income taxes owed, the funds then grow tax free. It’s more than a good deal. You might contribute enough to your RRSP to generate a […]
It’s portfolio checkup time on the Sunday Reads.
Next week, the Sunday Reads will fall on boxing day. And for the record, I will not be rushing through the doors (throwing elbows) trying to get my hands on the 3 large screen TVs selling at 80% off! at Best Buy. Yes, the year is drawing to a close. As the first full year […]
Drug makers say that COVID-19 vaccines are still 3-4 years away. Stock markets continue to fall.
This would be the headline today if the ‘normal’ path of vaccine development had played out. While I am guessing on the response from investors and stock markets, I think it’s a good guess that stock markets would offer significant corrections if we knew that we would be in the grip of the first modern […]