F.I.R.E is an acronym for Financial Independence Retire Early. It is a very popular movement that gets a lot of attention in the blogosphere and on social media. The idea is to eat excess amounts of ramen noodles, squeeze your budget until it squeals, save 90% of your income, invest like crazy in an all-stock […]
How to use your TFSA account.
It’s year end and you may have a couple of questions on how to use your TFSA account. The Tax Free Savings Account is one of the greatest additions to your investor tool kit. It is true to its name in that the monies grow completely tax free. When you take the monies out for […]
Too much success with Apple stock, on Weekend Reads.
Unfortunately I am not talking about my own Apple stock holding. I’ve done very well with Apple, initiating a position in 2014, and adding a few times soon after. I then trimmed a few times creating homemade Apple dividends to help fund trips to PEI, starting in 2018. But my Apple holding pales in comparison […]
The ETF portfolio for retirees. How you doing?
We’ll check in on the ETF portfolio for retirees. We know that a simple balanced portfolio would have held up quite well over the last year. What does that mean for the retiree that creates a simple ETF portfolio to fund retirement? We’ll have a look at the 7-ETF portfolio for retirees on Cut The […]
Retire with 30% more wealth on Weekend Reads.
I have penned often on the wonderful Questrade ads that suggest that you can retire with considerably more wealth. The key or suggestion is that you ditch your expensive advisor and their expensive mutual funds. You can retire with 30% more wealth. I also often suggest that is just a starting point. With a sensible […]
The world’s richest borrow to invest. On Weekend Reads.
This week I came across a more than surprising article. The article referenced a report from UBS in Switzerland. They handle investment accounts for many of the richest folks on earth. What was surprising is that many of them borrowed monies to invest at or near the recent market bottom. Don’t they have enough? Or […]