Why am I here? Not in an existential pondering as in why am I here on this earth. But why am I here on this blog and here, on the internet? Why? To help Canadians find a better way and a simpler and more cost effective way to build wealth. And mostly the mission has […]
A look at Tangerine portfolio performance for 2020.
Tangerine is the leading online bank in Canada. With Tangerine you can get most everything you want or need out of a core banking experience, and you can do so by paying no fees. That’s right – zero fees. That is a a great option compared compared to forking over $20, $30 or more per […]
Introducing the Tangerine Global ETF Portfolios.
Tangerine has launched three ETF Portfolios. With management fees of .65% the Tangerine ETF Portfolios will compete with the Robo Advisors that also use ETFs. As readers may know, I was an investment advisor with Tangerine Investments for over 5 years, from 2013 and into 2018. I had long suggested (begged) that they find a […]
Canadian ETF and Canadian Mutual Fund update.
The battle continues. Are Canadians getting the message? There is no competition for the returns history of low cost ETFs vs Canadian mutual funds. As you know if you’ve ever come across this site, Canadians pay some of the investment highest fees in the world. Those fees are a wealth destroyer as Larry Bates points […]
Retire with 30% more wealth on Weekend Reads.
I have penned often on the wonderful Questrade ads that suggest that you can retire with considerably more wealth. The key or suggestion is that you ditch your expensive advisor and their expensive mutual funds. You can retire with 30% more wealth. I also often suggest that is just a starting point. With a sensible […]
Checking in on the Tangerine Portfolio returns, plus the Weekend Reads.
It has been a while since we checked in on the Tangerine Portfolio returns. They are simple but wonderful index-based mutual funds. The funds invest in large cap Canadian stocks, US stocks and International stocks. They manage the risks by replicating a core Canadian bond index. The portfolios offer a very decent benchmark for those […]